[Glass Permeation Model (GP, GPH)]
* CTS Will follow-up with you on your final quote.
The GP model helium calibrated leak standard was developed to be compatible with Ultra-High vacuum systems. This model is the calibrated helium leak of choice for 10-9 and 10-10 atm-cc/s leak rates and critical applications where out gassing and background signals need to be kept to a minimum. . This model is available in leak rates ranging from 10-10 to 10-5 atm-cc/s (Other rates available upon request).
Both of these models are available with various sizes of DOT rated gas reservoirs, the reservoir size is usually dictated by the leak rate to insure an acceptable yearly depletion rate.
GP models shut off valve has a FEP valve packing that seals on the valve stem while the GPH model uses an all metal welded bellows valve.
Note: Prices starting at $450